[Dr. Siti Sumilah Rita Susilawati – Coal Geologist, Head of Coal Division, PSDMBP]

Along with the rapid development of civilization and technology today, the need for green energy becomes important in order to reduce the use of high carbon emission energy (CO2). The latest trend in energy development and environmentally friendly industries is the use of minerals/valuable elements as materials for energy sources. One of the minerals that can be used is rare earth element (REE).
REE are important elements that is used in various products that we use every day such as cell phones, hard drives, camera lenses, microwaves, medical equipment, weaponry and many other high-tech products. REE are 17 elements in the earth’s crust consisting of 15 lanthanide metal elements (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu), scandium and yittrium. REE is commonly found in several minerals such as monazite, xenotime, and bastnaesite. However, several recent studies have shown that coal can contain REE at level equivalent to REE-bearing minerals (Read Also: Coal Combustion Solid Waste: the Potential of Future Unconventional Resources in Indonesia?).
Coal consists of organic and inorganic components. The existence of REE in coal is associated with its inorganic components. The process of coal combustion at thermal power station (PLTU) will remove organic components and leave inorganic components behind. This process can lead to the enrichment of REE content in ash from coal combustion. REE content in coal fly ash is indicated to be 10 times greater than in the coal itself (Seredin and Finkelman, 2008). In Indonesia, research on REE in coal are still very limited. Research conducted on Bangko, South Sumatra coal shows that the coal has REE content of 2.4 to 118.4 ppm (Anggara, et al, 2018). Assuming that the REE content in fly ash is 10 times the REE content in coal, the potential for REE in Bangko coal fly ash is estimated to be around 1000 ppm, a large enough and promising amount to be extracted commercially. In addition, the REE extraction process from coal fly ash can increase the added value of coal.
REE extraction from FABA is one of the downstream programs that currently becomes the national program of the Center for Mineral, Coal and Geothermal Resources (PSDMBP), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). To achieve this, PSDMBP is currently conducting studies related to the potential of REE in Indonesian coal. The studies are carried out in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering UGM and Unconventional Geo-Resources Research Group – UGRG UGM. The results are expected to be able to reveal the potential of REE in Indonesian coal, to open up opportunities for increasing the added value of coal, and to increase the state’s revenue through REE production from Indonesian coal. Furthermore, REE production also means opening up opportunities for the establishment of various modern industries in Indonesia, which means opening up many new jobs.

Figure 1. The depict of REE in coal as a hidden treasure owned by Indonesia (psdg.bgl.esdm.go.id)
PSDMBP hopes that the establishment of UGRG and the increasing number of research on coal downstream process can contribute to the disclosure of the potential of the downstream process for Indonesian coal, so that it can be realized in a directed and effective manner and produce significant products that can be applied immediately.
“To sum up, for Indonesia, REE in coal is a hidden treasure and our job is to take this treasure out of its hideaway”.Sources:
- geologi.ugm.ac.id. (2020, 23 Juni). Focus Group Discussion Potensi Hilirisasi Batubara, Diakses pada 23 Juni 2020, dari https://geologi.ugm.ac.id/focus-group-discussion-potensi-hilirisasi-batubara/
- psdg.bgl.esdm.go.id. (2020, 23 Juni). A Hidden Treasure – Rare Earth Elements In Coal. Diakses pada 23 Juni 2020, dari http://psdg.bgl.esdm.go.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1215&Itemid=610
- psdg.bgl.esdm.go.id. (2020, 23 Juni). Bidang Mineral / REE. Diakses pada 23 Juni 2020, Diakses pada 23 Juni 2020, dari http://psdg.bgl.esdm.go.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1280&Itemid=610

Dr. Siti Sumilah Rita Susilawati
Dr. Siti Sumilah Rita Susilawati adalah seorang coal geologistyang saat ini menjabat sebagai head of coal divisiondi Pusat Sumber Daya Mineral Batubara dan Panas Bumi (PSDMBP) di bawah Badan Geologi, Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral.
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