The fieldwork carried out by the UGRG Team in collaboration with several researchers from Australia aims to evaluate the origin of sediments and the depositional environment of the Tanjung Formation.

At the beginning of December 2017, Dr. Ferian Anggara and Dr. D. Hendra Amijaya conducted research in collaboration with several researchers from Australia including Dr. Tim A. Moore of Queensland University of Technology and Mike C. Friederich of Independent Consultant, Kenmore, Australia. This research aims to determine the origin and depositional process of the Eocene’s Cape formation. This field activities also cooperate with PT. Arutmin Indonesia which assists the needs of permits, safety equipment, and logistics during field activities.
In general, the activities went smoothly and well, the researchers managed to get some of the samples that were targeted such as basalt rock and volcanogenic rocks that compose the upper part of the main seam coal with a fresh state. Some samples were then carried out for further analysis such as mineralogy, geochemistry, palinology and the potential of rare earth element (REE). Laboratory investigations were conducted at the Universitas Gadjah Mada and Queensland University of Technology.
This research resulted in several publications including Extended Abstract at 35th Annual Convention of The Society for Organic Petrology in Beijing, China in 2018. On April 1, 2020, one of the publications of this research has been published in the Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol. 7, No. 1 April 2020: 65-85 under the title “Syn-sedimentary Mafic Volcanics in the Eocene Coal-bearing Tanjung Formation, Senakin Peninsula, South Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia”.

Figure 1. One of the activities is recording geological data, stratigraphy measurement, and sampling (photo by: F. Anggara)
Other studies have also continued to date, including research on geochemistry of igneous rocks and coal, the potential of rare earth element and yttrium in Senakin coal, and regional geology of the Tanjung Formation and Pasir Sub-basin.

Figure 2. Tim Moore is recording geological data on the basalt, which composes the Senakin area (photos by: F. Anggara)
Moore, Tim A., Mike C. Friederich, Jessica Trofimovs, Ferian Anggara, D. Hendra Amijaya, 2020, “Syn-sedimentary Mafic Volcanics in the Eocene Coal-bearing Tanjung Formation, Senakin Peninsula, South Kalimantan (Borneo), Indonesia”, Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol. 7, 2020
Tim Moore. “Tanjung Formation, SE Kalimantan: Geochemical and Sedimentological Evaluation, Cipher Coal Consultant, 2018”,
Tim Moore. “Field Work in the Senakin Peninsula: Part I – Tanjung Dewa Revisited, Cipher Coal Consultan, 2018”,
Freshgraduate student of Geological Engineering Department, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
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