I welcome the establishment of the Unconventional Geo-Resources Research Group (UGRG) as an interdisciplinary research forum for studying non-conventional earth resources. To conserve the use of conventional energy sources, the utilization of non-conventional energy sources
About Us
Established on January 2nd, 2019 by the “SK Dekan FT UGM” No 106. P/H 1.17/KP/2019, Unconventional Geo-Resources Research Group (UGRG) is an interdisciplinary research cluster emphasizing on the exploration and technology development to assess Non-conventional
We are aware that to be able to make the changes we want, it cannot be done alone. Therefore UGRG cooperates with various partners, both research institutions, government, industry, and educational institutions both at home and abroad. The list of studies and partners involved
Center for Non-Conventional Earth resource study Faculty of Engineering at Gadjah Mada University (UGRG) was established on January 2, 2019, through DECREE Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UGM number 106. P/H 1.17/KP/2019. UGRG is currently an interdisciplinary research
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Welcome to the website of Unconventional Geo-Resources Research Group (UGRG)
Unconventional Geo-Resources Research Group (UGRG) was established on January 2, 2019, through SK Dean of Faculty of Engineering UGM number 106. P/H 1.17/KP/2019 as an interdisciplinary research container to assess Non-conventional Earth resources. Researchers who belong
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