Welcome to the website of Unconventional Geo-Resources Research Group (UGRG)
Unconventional Geo-Resources Research Group (UGRG) was established on January 2, 2019, through SK Dean of Faculty of Engineering UGM number 106. P/H 1.17/KP/2019 as an interdisciplinary research container to assess Non-conventional Earth resources. Researchers who belong to UGRG have the background of various disciplines that support each other to realize sustainable management of Earth resources and environmentally sound.
There are three main working groups formed by the mineral resources, energy resources, and Environment Commission. UGRG’s research focuses include the exploration process, exploitation, and the extraction of unconventional geo-resources (Our Research). In the energy field, the term non-conventional refers to the oil and gas resources obtained from low permeable (shale oil, shale gas, tight-sand gas, coal bed methane, and methane hydrate). In terms of mineral resources, the term refers to certain minerals that are still rarely exploited as well as appropriate extraction techniques, while in the field of environment, the term refers to aspects of sustainability for environmental balance protection.
The vision of Unconventional Geo-Resources Research Group (UGRG) is to be the priority center in the study, training, and devotion to the community in the field of science and technology of Non-conventional Earth resources. While the mission of Unconventional Geo-Resources Research Group (UGRG), UGM is contributing actively in science and technology ranging from upstream to downstream in both academic and industrial areas in order to fulfill the need for sustainable resources of Earth while still considering sustainable environmental sustainability.
The role of UGRG is expected to be a research institute that conducts research for the benefit of scientific development and for the direct benefit that can be applied to the community. In its development, UGRG cooperation in the field of research and devotion to the community in the form of research and training has been established both with various partners, including research institutions, government, industry both private and state enterprises, and educational institutions both in and outside the country (Our Partner). Furthermore, UGRG team is very open for cooperation in various forms so it can benefit more for society, nation, and country.
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