Smart Green Learning Center (SGLC) and Engineering Research and Innovation Center (ERIC) under Faculty of Engineering (FoE) Management will be a part of STEM center of UGM.
SGLC-ERIC is an instrumental element of FoE’s learning center, an environment that supports and facilitates a holistic learning experience. ERIC specifically supports research-based education in the undergraduate-postgraduate program. SGLC-ERIC is a “melting pot”, an ecosystem with seamless collaboration mechanism for R&D processes aiming at innovative products or solutions that bring added values for their users.
What is SGLC?
Smart Green Learning Center (SGLC) in UGM is the consolidation of FoE strengths, focuses on the delivery of education to produce high-quality engineers with the competence to serve the nation’s needs
What is ERIC?
Engineering Research and Innovation Center (ERIC) is an inter-department synergy hub that focuses more on integrating research resources, actors, and interests to produce research results with higher values for the recipients (industry, government, and community). ERIC as a platform for collaboration and aimed to be a reference for science and technology development for nation competitiveness, end-to-end collaborated research as the driver for innovation. It is also focused on commercialization or real use of research products and integration with teaching and community services.
SGLC-ERIC as an instrumental element of FoE’s learning center
The Roles of SGLC-ERIC
SGLC provides a seamless forum for FoE to introduce (undergraduate) students to real-world user environment and needs through closer interactions with industry
- Various interaction modes: general lectures, joint projects, internship supervision, etc.
- Feedback mechanisms to ensure the relevance of the curricula: advisory boards, joint curriculum evaluation, etc.
- Support of technology: video conference, virtual & augmented reality, remote simulation, etc.
In the same spirit, ERIC provides a seamless environment for postgraduate students through various research-based activities
Four Pillars Synergy
The role of education carried by FoE is to construct students’ academic and non-academic capabilities. Not only the cognitive part, but the education also aims at the development of soft skills and attitude as well. We see that students can learn from participations and interactions in many activities occurring in the campus. They can observe, try, analyze, engage, and evaluate what they have done, and slowly develop effective soft skills and appropriate attitudes. Therefore, SGLC-ERIC relies on the synergy of four main pillars :
” Academic – Government – Industry – Society “

Every pillar is a source of learning materials. Learning is done by exposing the pillars to the students, and let the students interact with them (observing, studying, analyzing, experimenting, and synthesizing solutions for them). Extended learning will be covering soft skills and attitude too. Although ERIC is designed for research purposes, it is also instrumental to shape up education at the postgraduate level where research is an important component. In the same spirit, ERIC provides an environment where students can learn attitude and soft skills required to carry out their research. In this context, community service internship and research are important parts of our education, because they offer experiences in dealing with real world issues and problems.
It corresponds to the main concept of SGLC-ERIC in FoE UGM : bringing real-world problems to students.
Both SGLC and ERIC deals with UGM’s core and mainstream business: education and research. Also, when SGLC and ERIC are operational, their capability in integrating resources can also assist other UGM faculties and units to boost their performance. At university level, the activities of learning center has been conducted by the Center for Academic Innovation and Studies (PIKA) since 2014 (More about PIKA)
Ikuti Kami!