Prosiding Seminar

2008Setijadji, L.D., Deendarlianto, Anggara, F., Amijaya, H., Susatyono, A., Sasaki, K., 2008. Preliminary results on the CO2 adsorption experiments of deep Indonesian coal beds for geological CO2 storage, Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan IAGI, Vol.37, 594 pp.
2008Hendriyanto, N., Amijaya, D. H., 2008. Studi potensi Batulempung Formasi Wungkal-Gamping sebagai batuan induk hidrokarbon di Daerah Gunung Pendul, Bayat, Klaten, Jawa Tengah, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Kebumian “Tantangan dan Strategi Pendidikan Geologi dalam Pembangunan Nasional”, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, M5-1 – M5-10 pp, ISBN: 978-979-17549-0-3.
2009Anggara, F., Sasaki, K., Amijaya, H., Sugai, Y., Setijadji, L.D., 2009. Preliminary result: CO2 adsorption experiments on Indonesia coal seam, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology, Japan.
2009Anggara, F. , Barlin, Amijaya, H., Setijadji, L. D., 2009. Carbon dioxide ( CO2) adsorption experiments on Indonesia coal seam, A case study from South Sumatra Basin, Proceedings of The 2nd Regional Conference Interdisiplinary Research on Natural Resources and Materials Engineering. AUN/SEED-Net - Department of Geological Engineering Gadjah Mada University, 141-144 pp, ISBN: 978-979-17549-3-4.
2009Anggara, F. , Amijaya, D. H., Setijadji, L. D., Deendarlianto, Barlin., 2009. The carbon dioxide adsorption experiments on Indonesia coal seam, A case study from Kutai Basin, Proceedings of The 2nd International Symposium of Novel Carbon Resource Science Earth Resource Science and Technology Joint Symposium Kyushu University – Institut Teknologi Bandung, IV-70 – IV-78 pp, ISBN: 978-979-8305-30-6.
2009Amijaya, H., Deendarlianto, Anggara, F., Barlin, Susatyono, A., 2009. Integrated petrological-chemical characterization of Kalimantan coal as a media for greenhouse gas storage in Indonesia, Proceeding of Final Report Hi-Link Project Research 2008, UGM Hi-Link Project, 14-22 pp, ISBN: 978-979-3984-39-1.
2009Amijaya, H., 2009. Coal bed methane exploration, Enhancing the fulfillment of clean energy resource in Indonesia, International Conference on Geoscience for Global Development (GeoDev), Dhaka, Bangladesh (poster).
2010Winardi, S., Toha, B., Imron, M., Amijaya, D. H., 2010. The potency of Eocene shale Of Nanggulan Formation as hydrocarbon source rock, Proceedings PIT IAGI Lombok 2010, The 39th IAGI Annual Convention and Exhibition, 235-258 pp, ISBN: 978-979-8126-22-2.
2010Petrus, H. T. B. M., Hirajima, T., Sasaki, K., Okamoto, H., 2012. Effect of thiosulphate on chalcopyrite and tennantite flotability, International Journal of Mineral Processing.
2010Petrus, H., Hirajima, T., Oosako, Y., Nonaka, M., Sasaki, K., Ando, T., 2010. Performance of dry separation processes in cenospheres recovery from coal fly ash, 25th International Mineral Processing Congress 2010, IMPC 2010, 3863 pp.
2010Anggara, F., Sasaki, K., Sugai, Y., Amijaya, D. H., 2010. Site selection criteria for geological CO2 sequestration A case study from Indonesia, Proceeding of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology, Japan, ISBN: 978-4-9902356-0-4.
2010Anggara, F., Sasaki, K., Amijaya, H., Sugai, Y., Setijadji, L. D., 2010. CO2 injection in coal seams, an option for geological CO2 storage and enhanced coal bed methane recovery (ECBM), 34th Annual Convention Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association, May 2010.
2010Amijaya, H., Anggara, F., 2010. The geology of CO2 storage in Indonesia: An outlook, Proceeding of International Symposium and the 2nd AUN/Seed-Net Regional Conference on Geo-Disasater Mitigation in ASEAN, Bali, Indonesia, 511-514 pp, ISBN: 978-979-17459-5-8.
2010Amijaya, H., 2010. Indonesian low rank coal as petroleum source rock: High petroleum potential but no expulsion?, Proceedings of 34th Annual Convention & Exhibition Indonesian Petroleum Association, Jakarta. ISBN: 978-979-16067-9-0
2011Sasaki, K., Anggara, F., Sugai, Y., 2011. Coal-matrix swelling by CO2 adsorption and a model of permeability reduction, Proceeding of 22nd World Mining Congress and Exp., Istanbul, Vol. 120.
2011Fadilestari, I., Novian, M. I., Husein, S., 2011. Diagenetic changes on secondary porosity in reservoir potential of Wonosari limestones, Panggang, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, Proceding of Asian Trans-Disciplinary Karst Conference 2011, Yogyakarta, 23-29 pp.
2011Amijaya, D. H. 2011. Selecting location for CO2 storage in Indonesia: Risk assessment on a basinal scale, SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Jakarta, 20-22 September 2011. ISBN: 978-1-61399-137-4.
2012Zulaika, E., Sholikah, U., Prasetya, A., 2012. Potensi bakteri Bacillus sebagai agensia bioremediasi limbah industri yang mengandung merkuri, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember.
2012Talla, H., Amijaya, H., Suryono, S. S., Warmada, I. W., Nursanto, E. , 2012. Kajian pencairan batubara sebagai solusi ketahanan energi nasional di persimpangan ketidakpastian, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Kebumian Ke-5, Jurusan Teknik Geologi FT UGM.
2012Talla, H., Amijaya, H., 2012. Pengaruh suhu terhadap hasil konversi pencairan batubara (Studi kasus batubara Formasi Klasaman Papua Barat dan Formasi Warukin Kalimantan Selatan), Proceedings The 41st IAGI Annual Convention And Exhibition Yogyakarta 2012 .
2012Rahanjani, Y.E., Setianto, A., Srijono, S., 2012. Peran geoinformatika dalam pengelolaan SDA Indonesia, Seminar Nasional Informatika 2012, 30 Juni 2012, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta.
2012Nursanto, E., Idrus, A., Amijaya, H., Pramumijoyo, S., Talla, H., 2012. Hubungan antara Kualitas Batubara Formasi WarukinDaerah Tabalong, Kalimantan Selatan dengan Hasil Proses Pencairannya. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Ilmu Kebumian ke-5, Jurusan Teknik Geologi FT UGM.
2012Nengkoda, A., Prasetyo, I., Supranto, Suryono, S., Amijaya, H., Tohidi, B, 2012. Potential risk identification from methane hydrate production: Case study Indonesia, 11th Conference of Gas in Marine Sediments (GIMS), Nice, France from 4 to 7 September 2012.
2012Febrianti, A.D., Amijaya, D.H., 2012. Authigenic minerals in bone coal from Balikpapan Formation, West Kutai, East Kalimantan, Proceedings The 41st IAGI Annual Convention And Exhibition Yogyakarta 2012.
2012Astuti, W., Wahyuni, E. T., Prasetya, A., Bendiyasa, I. M., 2012. The effect of coal fly ash treatment with NaOH on the characters and adsorption mechanism toward methyl violet in the Solution, 3rd International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, pp. 155-159 pp.
2012Anggara, F., Sasaki, K., Sugai, Y., 2012. Abstract: Swelling and changes in reservoir properties from injection of supercritical CO2 into coal seam-A laboratory study from Kushiro Coal, Japan, 29th Annual Meeting of TSOP, Beijing, 12 pp.
2012Anggara, F., Sasaki, K., Sugai, Y., 2012. Experimental and analytical studies on permeability reduction of coal seam by CO2 injection, IPTC 2012: International Petroleum Technology Conference, 280 pp.
2013Wattimury, P.S., Amijaya, H., Hafsari, S.W., 2013. A modelling of CO2 injection based on sensitivity study to improve the coal bed methane (CBM) production profile in “Ray” field, South Sumatera Basin Indonesia, Proceedings of 37th Annual Convention & Exhibition Indonesian Petroleum Association, Jakarta.
2013Thein, P.S., Subagyo. P., Setianto, A., Wilopo, W., 2013. Taking care of our earth for better future through green geological engineering practices, 5th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Geological Engineering, 15-16 Januari 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2013Petrus, H. T. B. M., 2013. Effect of oxidation time on the floatability of tennantite and chalcopyrite; Surface characterization using X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), Flotation 2013, Capetown South Africa.
2013Astuti, W., Prasetya, A., Wahyuni, E. T., Bendiyasa, I. M., 2013. The effect of unburned carbon on coal fly ash toward its adsorption capacity for methyl violet, Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), No. 78, 1016 pp.
2014Petrus, H. T. B. M., Hirajima, T., Sasaki, K., Okamoto, H., 2014. Separation mechanism of tennantite and chalcopyrite with flotation after oxidation using oxygen, 27th International Mineral Processing Congress, IMPC 2014, Santiago, Chile, 20-24 October.
2014Andaru, A., Shamlan, E. A. H., Mulyaningsih, E., Husein, S., 2014. Fault seal risk capacity calculation using surface data assesment for decreasing hydrocarbons exploration uncertainty : Study case in Semilir Formation, Proceedings of the 43rd IAGI Annual Convention and Exhibition, Jakarta, 5 pp.
2015Yanto, E., Marom, N., Kurniawati, W., Amijaya H., 2015. Shale gas potential analysis in Batu Ayau Formation as a new energy resources based on field exploration mapping, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, Proceeding of The 4th Indonesia EBTKE ConEx, Jakarta, 7 pp.
2015Sagita, R., Kustamsi, A., Setyawan, D. O. M., Amijaya, D. H., 2015, Challenges in building 1d geomechanical model for CBM reservoir – A case Study from onshore Sumatera, Indonesia, SPE Middle East Unconventional Resources Conference and Exhibition.
2015Rhamdani, A. R., Petrus, H. T. B. M., Fahrurrozi, M., 2015. Characterization of nickel laterite reduction from Pomalaa, Sulawesi Tenggara, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1699(1), 050012.
2015Petrus, H. T. B. M., Hirajima, T., Sasaki, K., Okamoto, H., 2015. Effect of oxidized surface of tennantite and chalcopyrite on diethyl dithiophosphate (DTP) adsorption and the kinetics; observed using UV-Vis Spectroscopy, Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering Congress 2015: APCChE 2015, incorporating CHEMECA 2015.
2015Pameco, P. A., Amijaya, D. H., 2015. Pengaruh struktur geologi terhadap munculnya rembesan minyak dan gas di Daerah Boto, Kecamatan Bancak , Kabupaten Semarang, Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Proceeding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-8 Academia-Industry Linkage, Departemen Teknik Geologi, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
2015Ontosari, D., Fiqih, F. M., Widiyanto, G., Adi, S., Anggara, F., 2015. Abstract : Cleat in low-rank coals of the South Sumatra and Barito Basins: Geology and coal-bed methane reservoir significance, 32nd Annual Meeting of The Society for Organic Petrology, Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia, Vol. 32, 102 pp.
2015Novianti, W., Ansori, A. Z., Stefano, A. D., Jyalita, J., Amijaya, D. H., 2015. Characterization of geochemistry and brittleness of the Talang Akar Shale, South Sumatera Basin as an unconventional hydrocarbon resource, 32nd Annual Meeting of The Society for Organic Petrology, Vol. 32, Yogyakarta, ISSN 1060-7250 (poster).
2015Ansori, A., Adibah, N., Jyalita, J., Stefano, A., Novianti, W., Amijaya, H., 2015. Relationship between organic matter and mineralogy on rock fracturability( (brittleness) in estuary shallow marine shale: A case study of the Eocene Nanggulan Shale, Kulon Progo,Yogyakarta, 32nd Annual Meeting of The Society for Organic Petrology: Volume 32, Yogyakarta, ISSN 1060-7250 (poster).
2015Anggara, F., Petrus, H. T. B. M., 2015. Abstract: Potential source of rare earth elements (REE) from Sangatta Coal, Kutai Basin, Indonesia, 32nd Annual Meeting of The Society for Organic Petrology, Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia, Vol. 32, 17 pp.
2015Amijaya,D. H., Febrianti, A.D., 2015. Silification of coal in Balikpapan Formation, West Kutai, East Kalimantan, 32nd Annual Meeting of The Society for Organic Petrology: Volume 32, Yogyakarta, ISSN 1060-7250.
2016Wanta, K. C., Perdana, I., Petrus, H. T. B. M., 2016. Evaluation of shrinking core model in leaching process of Pomalaa nickel laterite using citric acid as leachant at atmospheric conditions, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 162, Second International.
2016Rasyid, M. H. A., Petrus, H. T. B. M., 2016. Study on biomass performance in reduction of nickel laterite from Pomalaa, Sulawesi Tenggara, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1755(1), 050007.
2016Petrus, H. T. B. M., Rhamdani, A. R., Putera, A. D. P., Warmada, I. W., Yuliansyah, A. T., Perdana, I., 2016. Kinetics study of carbon raiser on the reduction of nickel laterite from Pomalaa, Southeast Sulawesi, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 162(1), 012019.
2016Payana, K. D., Harijoko, A., 2016. Penyelidikan merkuri, gas tanah karbon dioksida, dan suhu udara tanah, serta alterasi permukaan untuk mengetahui persebaran zona panas di Kawasan Kawah Candradimuka dan sekitarnya, Kecamatan Batur, Kabupaten Banjarnegara, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-9 Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
2016Pamurty, P.G., Rochmad, A. W., Husein, S., Iqbal, Kh., Wasugi, M. D., Al Hafeez., 2016. Identification of fractured basement reservoir in SWO Field, Salawati Basin, West Papua, based on seismic data: A new challenge and opportunity for hydrocarbon exploration in pre-Tertiary basement, Proceeding of Indonesian Petroleum Association 40thAnnual Convention and Exhibition, IPA16-240-SG.
2016Maulana, T., Anggara, F., 2016. Hubungan sistem cleat dengan permeabilitas batubara peringkat rendah, pada tambang Banko Barat, Muara Enim, Sumatera Selatan, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-9 Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 227-240 pp.
2017Warisaura, A. D., Prasetya, A., 2017. Performa subsurface flow constructed wetland menggunakan tanaman melati air dan media tanam zeolit dalam mengolah limbah cair tambang emas rakyat, Seminar Nasional Teknologi Pengelolaan Limbah XV tahun 2017, Pusat Teknologi Limbah Radioaktif.
2017Tambaria, T. N., Amijaya, H., Anggara, F., 2017. Intrusion Effect to rare earth element enrichment on coal in Air Laya Area, South Sumatera, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017.
2017Talla, H., Mursito, A. T., Warmada, I. W., Amijaya, H., Surjono, S. S., 2017. Palladium alumina as catalyst for coal liquefaction, International Conference on Chemical and Material Engineering 2015 (ICCME 2015), Undip.
2017Susetia Yuda, R., Anggara, F., Purnama, G. W., Hatta, M., 2017. Aplikasi konsep sikuen stratigrafi dan pengaruhnya terhadap kandungan total organic carbon (TOC) pada serpih Formasi Belumai dan Baong bawah sebagai potensi batuan induk di Lapangan "Dewi", Cekungan Sumatera Utara, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-10 Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 815 - 834 pp.
2017Sugiarto, E., Putera, A. D. P., Petrus, H. T. B. M., 2017. Kinetic study of nickel laterite reduction roasting by palm kernel shell charcoal, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 65(1), 012027.
2017Sugiarto, E., Ilhami, H., Putera, A. D. P., Petrus, H. T. B. M., 2017. Nickel laterite reduction using bioreductor from coconut shell charcoal: An approach to create zero carbon cycle in nickel pig iron (NPI) production, UI Proceedings on Science and Technology, Vol.1.
2017, H., Petrus, H. T. B. M, Perdana, I., 2017. A kinetics study of acetic acid on cobalt leaching of spent LIBs: Shrinking core model, The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development (ICET4SD 2017).
2017Rahim, A., Sasaki, K., Surjono, S. S., Amijaya, A., 2017. Laboratory studies of the correspondence between the ultrasonic elastic characteristics and carbon dioxide adsorption as observed in ECBM sequestrations of low rank coal of Tanjung Enim, South Sumatera, Indonesia, 3rd International Conference on Implications of Research in Engineering Technology, Computers and Applied Sciences (IRETCAS) Proceeding.
2017Septantia, A., Anggara, F., Setianto, A., 2017. Akumulasi karbon pada lahan gambut Daerah Muara Siran, Kalimantan Timur, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-10 Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 600-612 pp.
2017Rohmana, R.C., J. Setyowiyoto, S. Husein, Y. Indra, A. Ramadhan, 2017. Evaluasi dan perbandingan reservoar low resistivity Formasi Cibulakan Atas, Cekungan Jawa Barat Utara dengan Formasi Gumai, Sub-Cekungan Jambi, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian ke-10, Departemen Teknik Geologi FT UGM, 573-589 pp.
2017Putera, A. D. P., Sugiarto, E., Sutijan, Warmada, I.W., Petrus, H. T. B. M., 2017. Coconut shell charcoal as a bioreductor in roasting process of nickel laterite from Pomalaa, Southeast Sulawesi: Performance and kinetics ktudy, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 901, 182–189 pp.
2017Petrus, H. T. B. M., Diga, A., Rhamdani, A. R., Warmada, I. W., Yuliansyah, A. T., Perdana, I., 2017. Lamtoro charcoal (l. leucocephala) as bioreductor in nickel laterite reduction: Performance and kinetics study, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 817(1), 012065.
2017Olvianas, M., Widiyatmoko, A., Petrus, H. T. B. M., 2017. IR spectral similarity studies of geothermal silica-bentonite based geopolymer, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1887(1), 020015.
2017Ogara, E.R., Sugai, Y., Sasaki, K., Anggara, F., 2017. The effect of coal characteristics on adsorption and desorption gas at Indonesia low rank coal, International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology 2017.
2017Muchitawati, G.S., Anggara, F., 2017. Variabilitas spasial gambut tropis daerah Muara Siran, Kalimantan Timur, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-10 Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 680 - 691 pp.
2017Kusumastuti, Y., Petrus, H. T. B. M., Yohana, F., Buwono, A. T., Zaqina, R. B., 2017. Synthesis and characterization of biocomposites based on chitosan and geothermal silica, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1823(1), 020127.
2017Fadlilah, I., Prasetya, A., Mulyono, P., 2017. Recovery ion Hg2+ dari limbah cair industri penambangan emas rakyat dengan metode presipitasi sulfida, Prosiding Simposium Nasional Rekayasa Aplikasi Perancangan dan Industri Simposium Nasional Ke-16 RAPI 2017 .
2017Ernawati, R., Idrus, A., Petrus, H. T. B. M., 2017. Au grade of epithermal gold ore at Paningkaban ASGM, Banyumas District, Central Java Province, Indonesia, Proceedings 1st International Basic Science Conference 2016, UNEJ, 184-187 pp.
2017Dewi, M. P., Okibe, N., Petrus, H. T. B. M., 2017. Characterization and acid leaching of spent hydroprocessing catalyst for valuable metal recovery, Paper presented at 14th International Symposium on East Asian Resources Recycling Technology, EARTH 2017, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 26-29 Sepetember.
2017WPN, G. R. B., Syam, B., Safitri, B. D., Alamsyah, M. N., Husein, S., Widianto, E., 2017. Implication of tectonic inversion for the existence of hydrocarbons in fractured basement reservoirs: A case study from Jabung Block, South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia, Proceeding of Indonesian Petroleum Association 41st Annual Convention and Exhibition, IPA17-177-G.
2017Anggara, F., Sasaki, K., 2017. Site selection criteria for geological CO2 sequestration: A case study from CO2-enhanced CBM recovery (CO2-ECBM) in Indonesia, Proceedings of the 6th World Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology , UMPO, Indonesia, 48-52 pp.
2017Anggara, F., Muchitawati, G. S., 2018. Organic petrography of modern tropical peat deposits from Muara Siran, Kalimantan Timur: Analogues for coal characteristics, Proceeding of 35th TSOP Annual Meeting. Beijing.
2017Anggara, F., Amijaya, D. H., Tambaria, T. N., Sahri, A., 2017. Geochemical and REY composition of the coal in Bangko coal field, South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia, The Society for Organic Petrology Annual Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 21-27 September, 11 pp.
2017Asbella, K.A., Amijaya, D.H., Anggara, F., Melkybudiantoro, D., Rotinsulu, L.F., 2017. Pengelompokkan geokimia minyak bumi menggunakan metode chemometric di Cekungan Jawa Timur Utara, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-10 Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 625 - 635 pp.
2018Setyowati, M., Kusumawanto, A., Prasetya, A., 2018. Study of waste management towards sustainable green campus in Universitas Gadjah Mada, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 1022(1), 012041.
2018Setiawan, H., Petrus, H. T. B. M., Perdana, I., 2018. A kinetics study of acetic acid on cobalt leaching of spent LIBs: Shrinking core model, MATEC Web of Conferences, Vol. 154, 01033.
2018Rahim, A., Surjono, S. S., Amijaya, D. H. 2018. CO2 adsorption the numerical simulations and the controlling factors to low rank coal, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 212(1), 012016.
2018Putra, I. D., Abbas, R., Masti, S. D., Warmada, I. W., 2018. Remote sensing application in exploration of iron mineral placer deposit: Case study of Kulonprogo’s iron placer deposit, EAGE-HAGI 1st Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience and Engineering, Vol. 2018(1), 1-5 pp.
2018Purwasatriya, E. B., Surjono, S. S., Amijaya, D. H., 2018. Oligocene-Pleistocene paleogeography within Banyumas Basin and implication to petroleum potential, Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Science and Technology, Vol. 1, 5-51 pp.
2018Prasetya, A., Mawadati, A., Putri, A. M. R., Petrus, H. T. B. M., 2018. Study on Sumbawa gold ore liberation using rod mill: Effect of rod-number and rotational speed on particle size distribution, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 285, 012024.
2018Petrus, H. T. B. M., Wanta, C. K., Setiawan, H., Perdana, I., Astuti, W., 2018. Effect of pulp density and particle size on indirect bioleaching of Pomalaa nickel laterite using metabolic citric acid, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 285.
2018Nugroho, M.O.B., Amijaya, D.H., Hendaryono, Prasetyadi, C., Rizkianto, Y., 2018. Early study of Tuban formation shales : The potential for shale hydrocarbon resource, ICEMINE 2018, University of National Development “Veteran”, Yogyakarta.
2018Marhum, F.A., Amijaya, D.H., Anggara, F., Kurniawan, F.A., 2018. Log geofisika sebagai parameter dalam estimasi kandungan gas reservoar GMB Formasi Muara Enim, Sumatra Selatan, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-11 Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 379-388 pp.
2018Latupapua, D. K., Amijaya, D. H., Surjono, S. S., 2019. Geochemistry of gas seepages offshore Timor-Tanimbar, Southern Maluku Indonesia, Proceeding Indonesian Petroleum Association 43rd Annual Convention & Exhibition, September 2019.
2018Jenie, S. N. A., Ghaisani, A., Ningrum, Y. P., Kristiani, A., Aulia, F., Petrus, H.T.B.M., 2018. Preparation of silica nanoparticles from geothermal sludge via sol-gel method, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2026, 020008.
2018Husein, S., Barianto, D. H., Novian, M. I., Putra, A.F., Saputra, R., Rusdiyantara, M. A., Nugroho, W., 2018. Perspektif baru dalam evolusi Cekungan Ombilin Sumatera Barat, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-11, Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 6 pp.
2018Fikri, I. Z., Wibowo, H. E., Harijoko, A., Anggara, F., 2018. Pengaruh ukuran butir, ketebalan, dan jarak terhadap suhu pengarangan akibat aliran piroklastika Gunung Sundoro Jawa Tengah, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-11 Perspektif Ilmu Kebumian dalam Kajian Bencana Geologi di Indonesia, Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
2018Ferdana, A. D., Petrus, H. T. B. M., Bendiyasa, I. M., Prijambada, I. D., Hamada, F., Sachiko, T., 2018. Study on Sumbawa gold recovery using centrifuge, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 285(1), 012027.
2018Ernawati, R., Idrus, A., Petrus, H. T. B. M., 2018. Study of the optimization of gold ore concentration using gravity separator (shaking table): Case study for LS epithermal gold deposit in Artisanal Small scale Gold Mining (ASGM) Paningkaban, Banyumas, Central Java, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 212(1), 012019.
2018Besari, D. A. A., Anggara, F., 2018. Komponen penyusun fly ash dan bottom ash beberapa PLTU di Pulau Jawa, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-11 Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 493-504 pp.
2018Bangun, A. S., Anggara, F., 2018. Studi karakteristik dan genesa coal ball tambang batubara “TAL” Formasi Muara Enim, Tanjung Enim, Sumatera Selatan, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-11 Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 420-426 pp.
2018Anggraeni, R. D., Prasetya, A., Cahyono, R. B., 2018. Selectivity of leaching from Kulonprogo’s low grade Manganese ore with organic acid: Oxalic acid, acetic acid and citric acid, Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan, 7 pp.
2018Anggara, F., Amijaya, D. H., Harijoko, A., Tambaria, T. N., Sahri, A. A., Asa, Z. A. N., 2018. Rare earth element and yttrium content of coal in the Banko coalfield, South Sumatra Basin, Indonesia: Contributions from tonstein layers, International Journal of Coal Geology, Vol 196, 159 pp.
2018Amijaya, H, 2018. Insight on mineral identification and porosity characterization Of Pematang shale, Central Sumatera, Indonesia: Should we discard U.S. shale analogue?, Proceeding of 2nd ISPG Research Forum, Jakarta, 289-298 pp, ISBN: 978-979-8126-32-1.
2018Amijaya, H., 2018. Dipterocarpaceae: Contributor of the land plant-sourced kerogen in Indonesia, Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan (Annual Scientific Meeting) ke-47 IAGI, Pekanbaru.
2018Agustina, H. S. E. A., Bendiyasa, I. M., Petrus, H. T. B. M., Mufakir, F. R., Astuti, W., 2018. Pelindian nikel dari bijih limonit low-grade Pomalaa menggunakan pelarut asam asetat, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" Pengembangan Teknologi Kimia untuk Pengolahan Sumber Daya Alam Indonesia.
2018Afikah, R., Surjono, S.S., Amijaya, D.H., 2018. Implications of dynamic changes in sorption kinetics of coal in response to CO2 injection for coal carbon sequestration (CCS), International Seminar on Science and Technology (ISST) 2018, University of Tadulako, Palu.
2018Afikah, R., Surjono, S. S., Amijaya, D. H., 2018. CO2 adsorption the numerical simulations and the controlling factors to low rank coal, ICEMINE IOP Conference Series:Earth and Environmental Science 2018, University of National Development “Veteran”, Yogyakarta.
2018Afikah, R., Surjono, S. S., Amijaya, D. H., Sasaki, K., 2018. Abrupt changes in reservoir properties of coal and its governing factors for carbon dioxide absorbability, Proceeding of 2nd ISPG Research Forum, Jakarta, ISBN: 978-979-8126-32-1.
2018Afikah, R., Sasaki, K., Surjono, S. S., Amijaya, D. H. 2018. The mechanical behaviour of coal relating to CO2 sequestration of Tanjung Enim, Indonesia, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2030(1), 020207.
2018Afikah, R., Surjono, S. S., Amijaya, D. H., 2018. CO2 isotherms measured on Tanjung Enim (Indonesia) & Fushun, Lioning Mine (China) coal samples, 12th SEATUC Symposium, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
2018Adelizar, A. S., Petrus, H. T. B. M., Olvianas, M., Widiyatmoko, A., 2018. Geopolymerization kinetics of fly ash using isoconversional kinetics, Proceedings Book of The 8th Annual Basic Science International Conference 2018.
2019Wibowo, R. C., Sarkowi, M., Mulyatno, B. S., Dewanto, O. 2019. Thinned coal distribution modeling based on integrated geological and geophysical ata: Case study CBM resources in Central Palembang Sub-Basin, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 360(4), 115-124 pp.
2019Trissiana, J., Wilopo, W., 2019. Studi potensi pengembangan pembangkit listrik tenaga mikrohidro (PLTMH) di Kawasan Wisata Air Terjun Sumberwangi Desa Tirtomarto, Kecamatan Ampelgading, Kabupaten Malang, Seminar Nasional Inovasi dalam Penelitian Sains, Teknologi dan Humaniora-InoBali, 93-98 pp.
2019Sutijan, Sandiwan, S. W., Saputra, K. I., Mahdi, M. H., Albarkan, M. S., Prasetya, A., Petrus, H. T. B. M., 2019. Effect of inlet speed on gravitational air separator for cenospheres accumulation from fly ash: Modeling using computational fluid dynamics (CFD), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 478(1), 012028).
2019Surianti, Permatasari, M. A., Utami, A. N., Bendiyasa, I. M., Perdana, I., Petrus, H. T. B. M., 2019. Pengaruh suhu dan pH pada presipitasi elemen berharga dari larutan leaching low grade nikel laterit ore dengan menggunakan pengendap kalsium karbonat, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan", 25 April, Artikel A3.
2019Rakhmasari, K. D., Perdana, I., Prasetya, A., Pidhatika, B., 2019. Nanosilika dari prekursor silika geotermal: Pengaruh konsentrasi surfaktan dan dekomposisi termal pasca sintesis, Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan, 7 pp.
2019Petrus, H. T. B. M., Adelizar, A. S., Widiyatmoko, A., Olvianas, M., Suprapta, W., Perdana, I., Prasetya, A., Astuti, W., 2019. Kinetics of fly ash geopolymerization using semi quantitative fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR); Corr data, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , Vol. 532(1), 012001.
2019Permana, A. A., Pratama, R., Fauzia, A.R., Husein, S., 2019. Pre-Talang Akar carbonate limestone in South Sumatra Basin for future deep target exploration. Focus area: BN Field, Proceedings Joint Convention Yogyakarta HAGI – IAGI – IAFMI- IATMI, 9 pp.
2019Patria, A. A., Anggara, F., 2019. Mikrofasies dan rekonstruksi paleomire batubara Sawahlunto, Cekungan Ombilin, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-12 Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Artikel A022UNO.
2019Nugraha, P. H., Harijoko, A., 2019. Mineral sulfida pada kerak silika di pipa produksi panas bumi di Lapangan Panas Bumi Dieng, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-12 Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
2019Mustakim, Z., Prasetya, A., Sarto., 2019. Fluoride removal from wastewater using activated clay: A study kinetics and isotherm adsorption, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2085(1), 020019.
2019Maulana, A., Patria, A. A., Anggara, F., 2019. Pengaruh intrusi terhadap kandungan grafit di batubara Tambang Air Laya wilayah pertambangan PTBA Tanjung Enim, Sumatra Selatan, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kebumian Ke-12 Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Artikel A024UNP.
2019Kusumastuti, Y., Larasati, F., Gunawan, D. R., Najmina, M., Putri, N. R. E., Petrus, H. T. B. M., Kobayashi, M., 2019. Comparative characterization of chitosan/gelatin/geothermal silica biocomposites in two-dimensional film and three-dimensional scaffold forms, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 54391(1), 012028.
2019Gustiana, H. S. E. A., Bendiyasa, I. M., Prasetya, A., Mufakhir, F. R., Astuti, W., Petrus, H. T. B. M, 2019. The kinetic study of limonitic low grade nickel ore leaching using hydrochloric acid, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 478(1), 012009.
2019Fatikhin, R., Cahyono, R. B., Petrus, H. T. B. M., Perdana, I., 2019. Synthesis of dry-mix of fly ash based geopolymer, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2085(1), 020050.
2019Clarizka, C., Prasetya, A., Perdana, I., 2019. Influence of calcium/silica ratio on the formation belite cement clinker from geothermal sludges, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 948, 249-253 pp.
2019Anggraeni, R. D., Prasetya, A., Petrus, H. T. B. M., Cahyono, R. B., Sumardi, S., Astuti, W., 2019. Performance of Kulon Progo low grade manganese ore leaching using acetic acid and its selectivity, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering , Vol. 478(1), 012008.
2020Wilopo, W., Petrus, H. T. B. M., 2020. Turbine generator efficiency analysis in geothermal power plant PT Geodipa Energi Unit Dieng, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Kedirgantaraan : Peran Teknologi untuk Revitalisasi Bandara dan Transportasi Udara, 247-253 pp.
2020Utami, A. N., Permatasari, M. A., Bendiyasa, I. M., Astuti, W., Petrus, H. T. B. M., 2020. Valuable metals precipitation of low grade nickel ore leachate using sodium hydroxide, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol 742(1), 012043.
2020Saputra, F. Y. A., Petrus, H. T. B. M., 2020. Cenosphere separation from fly Ash using modified gravity separator: Feed ratio sssessment and stream velocity optimization, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol.742(1), 012006.
2020Rosita, W., Bendiyasa, I. M., Perdana, I., Anggara, F., 2020. Recovery of rare earth elements and yttrium from Indonesia coal fly ash using sulphuric acid leaching, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2223(1), 050004.
2020Prasetya, A., Ahsa, W, M., Gustiana, H. S. E.A., Astuti, W., Petrus, H. T.B. M., 2020. Effect of particle size and shaking speed on enhancing concentration of manganese using shaking table, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 742(1), 012027.
2020Mardiati, D., Setianto, A., Harijoko, A., 2020. Revealing geothermal potential areas with remote sensing analysis for surface temperature and lineament density : Case study in South Bajawa, NTT, Indonesia, ITB International Geothermal Workshop, IOP Conference Series : Earth and Enivronmental Science, Vol. 47, 012009.
2020Manurung, H., Rosita, W., Anggara, F., Petrus, H.T.B.M., Bendiyasa, I.M., 2020. Leaching of REY from non-magnetic coal fly ash with acetic acid, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
2020Adelizar, A. S., Olvianas, M., Adythia, D. M., Syafiyurrahman, M. F., Pratama, I. G. A. A. N., Astuti, W., Petrus, H. T. B. M., 2020. Fly ash and bottom ash utilization as geopolymer: Correlation on compressive strength and degree of polymerization observed using FTIR, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 742(1), 012042.
2020HTBM Petrus, AE Putra, HSA Gustiana, A Prasetya, IM Bendiyasa, W Astuti. 2020. Gold Leaching from Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) as one of the Urban Mine Resources using Thiosulphate: Optimization using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
2020YI Supriyatna, S Sumardi, W Astuti, AN Nainggolan, AW Ismail, HTBM Petrus, A Prasetya. 2020. Characterization and a Preliminary Study of TiO2 Synthesis from Lampung Iron Sand. Key Engineering Materials.
2020F Kurniawansyah, D Istiqomah, AJ Malahayati, HTBM Petrus, A Roesyadi. 2020. Utilization of Silica from Indonesian Solid Wastes as Catalyst Materials. Key Engineering Materials.
2020S Sreyvich, HTBM Petrus, CW Purnomo. 2020. Nutrient Recovery from Slaughterhouse Wastewater. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 26th Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE 2019).
2020H Manurung, W Rosita, H Petrus, IM Bendiyasa. 2020. Amorphous Silicate Decomposition from Non-Magnetic Coal Fly Ash using Sodium Hydroxide. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
2020KC Wanta, WT Gunawan, RF Susanti, GP Gemilar, H Petrus, W Astuti. 2020. Subcritical Water as a Solvent for Extraction of Nickel and Aluminum Ions from Reforming Spent Catalysts. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.
2020HTBM Petrus, H Manurung, RJ Aditya, R Amanda, W Astuti. 2020. Bioleaching of Valuable Metals from Spent Catalyst Using Metabolic Citiric Acid by Aspergillus niger. Applied Mechanics and Materials.
2020H Amijaya, B Wiranata, F Anggara. 2020. Occurrence of rare earth element and yttrium (REY) in Tanjung formation coking coal from Sekako area, Central Kalimantan. E3S Web of Conferences.
2020W Rosita, DAA Besari, I Bendiyasa, I Perdana, F Anggara, HTBM Petrus. 2020. Potency of Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium in Indonesia Coal Ash. Key Engineering Materials Vol. 849.
2021F Anggara, DAA Besari, A Mursalin, DH Amijaya, HTBM Petrus. 2021. Coal and coal ash characteristics to understand mineral transformation: A case study from Senakin coal field Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
2021PCBW Mustika, S Sutijan, HTBM Petrus. 2021. Effect of operating conditions on the flux recovery of lithium from geothermal brine using forward osmosis. AIP Conference Proceedings.