SGLC-ERIC is a “melting pot”, an ecosystem with seamless collaboration mechanism for R&D processes aiming at innovative products or solutions that bring added values for their users. Therefore, we implement our spirit and strive to achieve our goals by holding several activities :
SGLC-ERIC Inaguration & Buildings Groundbreaking
There is no formal inauguration due to pandemic. However, some activities are held, one of them is groundbreaking of SGLC-ERIC Buildings that have been held on December 1st, 2020 attended by chancellor and vice chancellor of UGM, dean and vice dean of FoE UGM, and faculty staff representatives. This building construction carried out to support students’ learning process without boundaries in the future :
Documentations of groundbreaking event
SGLC-ERIC through Unconventional Geo-Resources Research Group (UGRG) UGM held an FGD on August 5-6, 2020 in Yogyakarta. The aim of this FGD is to discuss about added value of coal, focusing on the concept of green transmutation and circular economy.
Dr. Ferian gave an explanation about REE in coal and coal waste management in front of FGD audiences
Webinar Series Part 1 was held through the Zoom platform on Friday, Oct 30, 2020. This webinar was hosted by UGRG UGM and presenting three speakers: Dr. Eng. Lucas Donny Setijadji, Dr. Himawan Tri Bayu Murti Petrus, D. Eng., and Dr. Ferian Anggara. The aim of this webinar is to discuss about the potential and exploration problems of critical elements in Indonesia nowadays and in the future and continued with a discussion about the importance of ore characterization and its relation to an effective and efficient critical elements extraction process.
Webinar Series Part 2 was held through the Zoom platform on Friday, Nov 13, 2020. This webinar was hosted by UGRG UGM and presenting two speakers: Dr. Raden Sukhyar and Dr. Eng. Widi Astuti. The aim of this webinar is to discuss about the mineral-based downstream industry and the role of research in the downstream mineral industry in Indonesia. There was an important message in the framework of strategic Indonesian local mineral processing based on low cost and zero-waste technology: the need for collaboration of all parties, both government, industries, researchers, and universities, as well as harmonization of upstream-downstream mineral and coal policies.
Webinar Series Part 3 was held through the Zoom platform on Friday, Nov 27, 2020. This webinar was hosted by UGRG UGM and presenting two speakers: Mr. Singgih Widagdo and Dr. Rita Susilawati. From this webinar, we know that the downstream coal industry is not easy but it is something that should be fought for. Therefore, it requires synergy and cooperation between the government, industries, researchers, and educational institutions in order to realize cleaner coal utilization and more environmentally friendly. All of SGLC-ERIC Webinars have students and professionals target audience.
Documentation of UGRG UGM Webinar
- Strategic Planning on Development of STEM center as part of SGLC-ERIC in UGM
SGLC and ERIC will act as the main hub for an innovative approach for down streaming education as well as up streaming market, thus need a strategic plan to achieve and maps out the necessary steps needed to be successful. The arrangement of this module is developed for STEM center managers. The major functions that a manager completes can be categorized into four different functions known as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The main objective of this module is to learn the role of planning as a function of management which focus on (1) the advantages of and barriers to planning, and (2) how it is used to achieve organizational goals. Target group of this activity is university staffs that have knowledge/understanding about STEM education and experience of research/educational activities coordination.
For more information about EASTEM Activities in UGM, please contact :
Ikuti Kami!